저희 구가도시건축이 참여한 2010 베니스 비엔날레에 대한 기사가 Designboom 웹사이트에 실렸습니다.
[Designboom] Korean Pavilion at Venice Architecure Biennale 2010
're.place.ing', the korean pavilion at the 12th international architecture biennale in venice, italy
image © designboom
the korean pavilion at this year's venice architecture biennale is a documentary of change in the metropolis of seoul.
're.place.ing' aims to show and illustrate a record of transformation in the historic city which was a result from the recent population influx and the accelerated economic growth after the korean war. to explore the broad theme, the pavilion takes a closer look at a variety of microcosmic elements such as the replacement of residential environments and public spaces, the states of expansion, the deletion and insertion of urban tissues, and the city's continuously sustained vitality.
2010 베니스 비엔날의 한국관은 역사를 품고, 새로운 변모를 거듭해 온 서울의 변화상을 보여주는 한편의 다큐멘터리다.특히 한국 전쟁 이후 급속한 인구 증가와 경제 발전을 이룩한 한국의 건축과 도시를 're.place.ing' 이라는 주제를 통해 보여주고 있다. 한국관의 작가들은 거주 환경들과 공공 공간들의 관계와 재배치, 도시의 확장, 도시의 작은 조직들의 태어남과 사라짐 등과 같은 다양한 도시의 모습들에 주목하며 서울이라는 도시가 계속적이고도 지속적으로 움직이는 생명체라는 메시지를 전달한다.
interior of the hanok's main space
image © designboom
the biggest installation within the pavilion itself is 'hanok' by cho, jung goo. 'hanok' is korea's traditional
wooden dwelling and architecture prototype which is still a living part of seoul. built from pieces of several
hanoks in seoul which were facing demolition, the parts were brought to venice and integrated into the existing building. viewers are invited to enter the 'hanok' and experience the configuration of the inner spaces and courtyard and how it communicates with both the rest of the exhibition space and venice itself.
한국관의 주제 공간을 장식하고 있는 전통 목조 주택은 건축가 조정구의 작품으로, 한 쪽에서는 개발과 무관심 속에 철거되기도 하며, 다른 한 쪽에서는 공공과 개인의 관심 속에 보존되고 있는 한국의 건축 유형 중 하나인 한옥을 관람객에게 선보이고 있다. 건축가 조정구는 자신이 살고 있는 서대문 한옥에서 모티브를 얻어, 실제 철거되고 있는 한옥의 부재들을 베니스로 가져와 흥미로운 작품으로 탄생시켰다. 관람객들은 한옥으로 초대되어 그 공간감과 마당의 풍성함을 맛보며, 서울의 도시한옥이 전시관과, 더 나아가 베니스와 어떻게 소통하게 되는지 직접 느낄 수 있다.
image © designboom
(left) roof construction detail
(right) entrance of the hanok
images © designboom

model of the korean pavilion

overall view of 'living forms, seoul' by cho, jung goo
image © designboom
'living forms' by cho, jung goo is a long-time research based on urban field investigations. through a vast number
of models and drawings, the project aims to focus on the long history of change which is marked out in the appearance
of diverse agents living between the urban environment and architecture. the exhibited model shows the alleys,
dwellings, and various layers of phenomena which have accumulated through the past until today, providing
a clear identity of the city of seoul.
'삶의 형상' 이라는 주제의 건축가 조정구의 전시는 그가 오랫동안 해온 도시 조사와 연구를 바탕으로 만들어진 작품으로도시환경과 건축사이에 자리한 삶의 다양한 모습들이 우리 도시의 풍경을 만들어주고 있음을 이야기 하고 있다. 그림과 모형에 표현된 골목길과 주거공간 그리고 과거부터 지금까지 축적되어 온 삶의 형상들을 통해, 이러한 모든 것들이 서울의 명확한 정체성을 나타내고 있음을 보여주고 있다.
detail shots of exhibited model
images © designboom
'differential life integral city' by tah, tesoc
image © designboom
in a separate adjacent space off the main exhibition hall is 'differential life integral city' by hah, tesoc.
lit in a dim green light, the room features a number of smart phones hanging from the ceiling and a series
of projection on the walls. focuing on the people and their ability to become agents in the transformation
of a city, the project calls on the participation of visitors to become a member of a homogeneous city.
as people input their information into the downloadable app using the provided smart phone, a real time generating process will be shown on the wall, making visible how the city changes to suit each individual's lifestyle.

(left) projection on wall (right) hanging smartphones
images © designboom

integral city
image © hah, tesoc 2010

(top) apartment buildings surrounding bulam mountain, sanggye-dong
(bottom) apartment buildings along the base of the han-river, jamsil dong, songpa-gu
images © lee, chung kee 2010
'apartment city, seoul' takes a look at the current urban fabric of seoul, which is heavily dominated by lines of apartment buildings. mountains, which are the traditional landscape of seoul, are being conquered by these high-rise dwellings, ultimately substituting out traditional life style with the urban. the project traces both the positive and negative aspect of the apartment city.

(left) 'barricaded city'
image © shin, seung soo 2010
(right) 'experience apartment'
image © shin, seung soo 2010
recognizing the need for a new process and approach when it comes to replacing the urbanized'barricaded city', 'replacing public scape' by shin, seung soo is a proposal that develops liminal space beyond spatial boundaries to maximize on individual interface. by creating urban public space as an extension of the people's activities, public-ness becomes 'interplace' where the users' experiences are augmented and integrated across various scapes.
'living city_alley of naesu-dong'
image © lee, sang koo 2010
'living city' by lee, sang koo takes a closer look in to 'golmok-gil', or alleyways of seoul and their
idiosyncratic forms. inconsistent in width and size, 'golmok-gil' have become a physical marker of the city's gradual stages of development. unlike instant construction of modern city streets, the alleyway grows with one piece at a time to fit the needs of the people. by studying the characteristics of 'golmok-gil', the life patterns of seoul's inhabitants can be traced out and defined as a 'living form' that affects and determines and composes the urban structure.
full credit:
commissioner: kwon, moon sung
exhibitor: lee, sang koo / cho, jung goo / lee, chung kee / shin, seung soo / hah, tesoc
advisors: park, cheol soo / park, in seok
coordinators: bae, moon kyu / kim, eun jeong
'han-ok_people meet in korean pavilion'
architect/author: cho, jung goo
director (thematic installation): cho, jung goo / jung, tae do
design team: kim woncheon / yoneda sachiko / joun, joungwoo / kim, taehuyn / shim, guy seob
'living city, seoul_livingforms in the living city'
architect/author: lee, sang koo
design team: jeong chun whan / an wha-yeon / park il-hyang / kim min ju / hwang ju-hyun
'living forms_living forms in the living city'
architect/author: cho, jung goo
design team: yoneda sachiko / jung seun-hwan / kang, jung toon / lee, woo joe / yuk, youngkyung
'apartment city, seoul'
architect/author: lee, chung kee
design team: park mi-ja / jang seung hyun / kwon, seul ah / park, jun kyung / jo, sung bin / son, in ah
'replacing public scape_urban space bar: extending individual domain'
architect/author: shin, seungsoo
collaborators: ryu, je hong / ko, ki young
design team: choi, jaewon / ryu, keun young / choi, tae san
'differential life integral city_collective intelligence urbanism'
architect/author: hah, tesoc
design team: park, junseok / kwak, taehyuk / noh, dah yee / park, andrew
exhibition system director: baek, jinuk
composer/music producer: choi, jin suk
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